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SAP Optimization

Layout Color

SAP GUI Layout Color


When we are working on daily activities, doing customizing, testing and checking, it is very common to work with different screens logged in different environments and clients. Using the same color can be tricky and lead to mistakes. A good alternative is to change the colors to identify between the DEV and QA environment, or even between DEV Gold and DEV unit test.

In this example we are going to change the colors of the same environment but of different clients.


SAP DEV Client 100 (Gold)

SAP DEV Client 200 (Unit Test)


  1. Log in

  2. Click in "More"

  3. SAP GUI Settgins and actions

  4. Options

SAP GUI Options

SAP DEV Client 100 (Gold)


  1. Visual Design

  2. Colors Settings

  3. Colors in System

  4. And choose the desired color


In this case, I am setting client 100 with the golden color (yellow).

SAP GUI Visual Design Client 100

SAP DEV Client 200 (Unit Test)


  1. Log in the other client

  2. Click in "More"

  3. SAP GUI Settgins and actions

  4. Options


And repeat the steps.


  1. Visual Design

  2. Colors Settings

  3. Colors in System

  4. And choose the desired color


In this case, I am setting client 200 with green color.

SAP GUI Visual Design Client 200

Now you can log in and log out and these clients will keep the different colors and you will be able to work on both clients at the same time with no mistakes.

SAP GUI Client 100 Gold
SAP GUI Client 200 Green

Warning: Screens, backgrounds and options may differ due to the chosen SAP GUI version or theme.

Parameter ID

Parameter ID

Go to "Maintain User Profile"


T-Code: SU3


In the section "Patameters"



  • Parameter ID

  • Parameter Value


In this example a Controlling Area is set using the Parameter ID "CAC".

  • BUK - Company code

  • CAC - Controlling Area

  • ERB - Operating Concern

  • FWS - Currency Unit

  • GJR - Fiscal Year

  • KPL - Chart Of account

  • WRK - Plant

SAP Field Commands


To call a transaction | In the same session

  • Command: /n

  • How: Enter: /nxxxx (xxxx = transaction code)


To call a transaction | In the same session, whereby the initial screen is skipped

  • Command: /*

  • How: Enter: /*xxxx (xxxx = transaction code)


To call a transaction | In a additional session

  • Command: /o

  • How: Enter: /oxxxx (xxxx = transaction code)


To end the current transaction

  • Command: /n

  • How: Enter: /n (Unsaved changes are lost without warning)


To delete the current session

  • Command: /i


To generate a session list

  • Command: /o


To end the current transaction and return to the starting menu

  • Command: /ns000


To log off from the system

  • Command: /nend


To log off from the system without a confirmation prompt

  • Command: /nex

  • How: Enter: /nex (Changes that were not saved are lost without warning)

Tech Names

Adding transaction codes (T-Codes) in the SAP Menu

In the initial screen


Go to Extras -> Settings




Select "Display Technical Names"

SAP Display Technical Names

You can see in the screenshot:


  • Before activation, only transaction names are displayed.

  • Then you can see the displayed T-Codes.


Knowing the T-Codes, you can access the transaction using the command prompt directly, saving you some time. Instead of navigating through the SAP menu every time.

SAP Display Technical Names T-Codes
SAP Picture

Removing SAP Initial Picture

In the initial screen


Go to Extras -> Settings




Select "Do Not Display Picture"

SAP Do Not Display Picture

The default image on most SAP installations is the same.


It's the standard "a drop in water" image.


There are companies that customize that image, changing it to the company logo.


But you have this option to remove it, and leave the home screen a little cleaner.

SAP No Picture
Dropdown List

Show Keys within Dropdown Lists

Dropdown lists in SAP without these flags only show available descriptions.


After activating this option you will be able to see, not only the descriptions, but also the object names.

By selecting "Sort by Key", the dropdown will be sorted alphabetically by object names.

In the SAP GUI


Go to Options


Then, go to "Interaction Design" -> "Visualization 1"


In the section "Controls"




  • Show Keys Within Dropdown List

  • Sort By Keys Within Dropdown lists for Most Efficient Keyboard Input

SAP GUI Option - Dropdown Lists

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